Travel & accessories
A list of accessories associated with allergy and anaphylaxis. Please get in touch if we should be featuring an item that has improved the lives of you or your loved ones.
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Hard-wearing and affordable medicine storage bags designed for emergency and prescription medicines, including photo ID. Designed in the UK, Medpacs are engineered to be versatile, and are as well-suited for children to take to school, hospital stays, family day trips – or just day to day use. You can view their product range here.
Equal Eats provide food allergy and dietary solutions to help communicate essential information in restaurants and other settings. Equal Eats provides digital and printed allergy information that helps people communicate their language in over 50 languages, including English. Founded by Kyle Dine, who has been living for 30 plus years with multiple food allergies, and is dedicated to helping the community eat safer around the globe.
BootNaut Kids is the creation of a mother concerned for her son with food allergies and looking for a way to help navigate the challenges of everyday life. Unsatisfied with the range of options available, I decided to produce a sustainable T. Shirt that said it all. The Allergy Logo is on the back which helps ‘quietly shout’ for others to BE AWARE without the child feeling different. We created the design to be fun and cool to wear. My son always chose to put on these Allergy T. Shirts at social events, parties, restaurants and on holidays. This gave confidence for him to start managing responsibility and helped others to be more vigilant.
Kitt Medical – Adrenaline Pens + Training + Emergency Kitt. All-in-one service. The new standard for allergy care. Providing schools and businesses with emergency adrenaline pen Kitts alongside accredited online training, all-in-one annual subscription service.
Allergy Pen Pals offers a variety of allergy stickers, keyrings and allergy ID tags that are particularly useful for parents worried about their children’s allergies, especially when not with them. These products are also great at building kids’ confidence, as they learn to articulate their condition and talk about their allergies with their peers or adults.
Allergies in Bold is run by Tee Houghton, a teenager with severe allergies, including exercise induced anaphylaxis. Tee has created two fantastic resources to help young people and children with allergies understand their condition. Her “Children’s Allergy Awareness Activity Booklet” is an educational and activity-filled allergy awareness booklet for kids aged 6-11, read more here, and “Allergy Reaction Log & Recovery Journal” is there to support you in your allergy journey and recovery.
Allergy Eats is a great US platform that can help you find places that are allergy friendly across the US. It even has its own guide for New York, Washington DC and Disney World!