Making the Awards an integral part of your strategy
Working in Partnership
It takes time, effort and money to enter the FFFA so why not make the awards work harder for you? This is not just about winning an award in April. That winning logo on your product can last forever.
- Plan ahead and think creatively – use your involvement with the awards to create new content and to add value to your existing strategy – scroll down for details.
The FFFA have an active ongoing marketing and social media programme – join that conversation and work in partnership with us to raise awareness of your freefrom products.
- send us photos of your products for our use, to promote your entry across our social media platforms
- create your own posts featuring your Entrant 2021 logo – emailed to you on entry (check your spam). Denoting your participation shows you have strong belief in your products, and we know many of our followers like to try out the products of entrants ahead of the judging, so it could even boost your sales in the run-up to Xmas!
- photos of the FFFA19 Presentation Party can be found here.
- you can use an FFFA logo (on the product which won it) forever, or until the recipe changes, at no extra cost.
- if you make the shortlist, or win a medal, add these shortlisted/winning logos to your website/social media posts – highlighting your achievements to potential customers.
Don’t forget to tag us and use the below hashtag to join the conversation.
Follow Us:
FFFoodAwards (tw)
FreeFromFoodAwards (FB)
freefromfoodawards (insta)
Other reminders
In September & October
Decide on what categories to enter in this year’s awards. Post about your entries on your social sites and always tag @freefromfoodawards as we we will then share your content, extending your reach. Use the entrant logo on your products – it shows buyers you have faith in your product.
In November & December
Do you have any seasonal products – Hallowe’en, Christmas? Tell us about them even if you have not entered them into the awards.
In January & February
The judging: There is always lots of social media activity around the judging – join the conversation tagging #FFFA21. Track mentions, pictures or videos and add such stories to your website and/or social channels to help your SEO as well as promoting your brand. It can also be a great way to identify new advocates or your products/brand. Create content around your entries, how you developed them, got them to the judging, your thoughts on the judging process.
In February & March
The shortlist: You’ve made the shortlist so get talking – your followers will want to know. Make use of the official ‘Shortlisted’ logo. Always remember to tag @freefromfoodawards #FFFA21. Remember to update colleagues and congratulate other shortlisted entrants. Think about how your marketing could evolve once the awards are announced. Look out for activities from the awards organisers, judges, sponsors and fellow entrants.
Tell the FFFA team about your seasonal products (Easter, Mother’s/Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day) even if you have not entered them into the awards.
In April
The presentation: A unique opportunity to connect with others, a great way to build your professional network whether it is a physical or virtual event. Take pictures and video to share with colleagues and for content. If you have a corporate/personal blog why not create a post about the awards (and your wins!). This makes great content & can build SEO. Keep the conversations going on your social channels remembering to tag @freefromfoodawards #FFFA21. Celebrate with colleagues (more good content) and – very important – contact local press and broadcast media using our press release. They are always keen to promote local success stories.
In May & June
Expert feedback for free: What’s not to love! You may be able to incorporate some of this within your social media posts – share why your product won the judges over. Share with your teams and take advantage of the ‘constructive’ elements of the feedback to evolve EPD and NPD. It may be that you could share a new or reformulated product with one or more of the judges.
In July & August
A time for reflection: a good time to reflect on previous award successes – think about creative ways to combine past success whilst promoting the upcoming awards and your involvement.
Leverage the love of your peers: Update colleagues on your plans for the upcoming year. They can be great ambassadors for your brand – an engaging piece of communication or immersive experience can spark excitement and can prove very effective in terms of spreading the brand message/love. Maybe you can even involve them in the process.
Throughout the year
Don’t forget to look at an ongoing awards overlay for all comms from shows & events to social and online – a consistent strategy and approach can help build awareness and reinforce brand quality. We’re here to help if you need us so get in touch if you do.