What we are offering
The real benefit of entering the Labelling category has always been the feedback, and awarding medals is not as straightforward here as it is in Food or Drink categories. Our new Labelling service better aligns to the needs of free from manufacturers.
The Labelling ‘Stamp of Excellence’ is confirmation that a company / brand has got their labelling right, both legally and for the free from and allergic consumer via an all year round service. Rather than awarding a gold, silver or bronze, we will review submissions, attribute FFFA Stamps of Excellence and provide detailed feedback on a quarterly basis.
How it works
We want to encourage products and brands at all stages of development, recognising that for some submissions will be about securing feedback that will guide them to achieving a Stamp of Excellence.
In order that companies can submit and secure a ‘FFFA Stamp of Excellence’ or valuable feedback throughout the year, submissions will be accepted all year round with expert reviews taking place quarterly.
The process is straightforward:
- Make your submission (via a form) and payment
- Expert reviews take place quarterly
- Each submission will achieve one of three possible outcomes:
- Labelling meets our criteria. Awarded a ‘FFFA Stamp of Excellence’
- Labelling is very close to meeting our criteria. Subject to critical changes detailed in our feedback being made, a ‘FFFA Stamp of Excellence’ will be issued
- Labelling falls short of our criteria. Full feedback provided on changes required, and 50% off a second submission to secure a ‘FFFA Stamp of Excellence’
‘FFFA Stamp of Excellence’ can be applied to all products with the same labelling application reviewed
Submission fees
- Large Brand £200 (£100 for 2nd submissions)
- Small Brand £150 (£75 for 2nd submission)
Physical packaging will need to be supplied (PDFs permissible if physical packaging is not available).
Please contact the team if you’d like to know more.